(Image Information: The Farmer and the Stork
Project Gutenberg Source: Wikipedia)
Looking back, it's been super nice getting to just pick and choose what interested me to read. I haven't been the best about keeping up with reading and writing stories just because Howdy Week happened and now my application cycle is keeping me busy. But, writing this reflection post halfway through the semester has allowed me to see that I need to make time for this, and I am ready to make changes the rest of the semester. I really like how we are able to have the freedom to choose. Sometimes, I don't have time to do both reading parts back to back, so I really appreciate the extra reading option to make up for it.
I am super excited to be working on my project more this week as I will finally obtain my copy of the OU Ghost Stories book, and will be reading it in its entirety with the 3 day weekend we have this week. I am still super sad I wasn't able to go on the ghost tour, but I will visit with some of the OU tour guides and see what information they can provide me with. I think it would be really fun to take my own pictures and edit them, as Dr. Gibbs has suggested and added them to my project. I just love that I decided to take the OU aspect of this project. Having been in the Epics of India class before, I think my biggest accomplishment this time around is just being more confident in my writing. I don't think I write well, and sometimes get down on myself for it, but this class really has allowed me to feel more confident in the way I express my writing!
The image I chose above is from one of Aesop's fables. I really enjoyed the stories by Aesop because of how much meaning the words have behind them. While one person may take one message from it and apply it to their life, another person by seeing another message and apply it accordingly. I think this is what drew me to these stories, and this image reminds of that. It just reminds me of my dad and his stories that have "hidden messages"!
Looking forward, I need to plan my time more efficiently and get to more storytelling! I may need to adjust the times I work on my project and assignments for this class, and maybe even take advantage of the weekends to work ahead. Maybe I might even decide on a reading ahead of time, and split it up so I complete it before the due date (e.g. read Part A and split it among Sunday and Monday, and Reading B between Tuesday and Wednesday). This way, I won't be overwhelmed to read for an hour, and also meet the assignment deadline.
Excited to see how the rest of the semester goes!
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